The One Million Squidoo Lens Challenge

This is the daily log of the one million lens challenge. I will live off Squidoo income by making content-rich lenses, or make one million lenses! Which ever comes first. Basically, I’m not giving up. Follow me as I conquer Squidoo!

Day 41: 8 lenses! March 31, 2007


eBay lenses galore!

I made 8 today. All REALLY cool.

The links are:

REALLY cool!

 I’m hoping that these lenses draw in visitors and get people looking at more than 1 lens.

Do you think they’ll accomplish this? What do you reckon?




Day 40: 1 group! March 30, 2007

The AdSense Group.

Check it out here:

For some reason, the poll isn’t publishing! Anyway – check it out.

If you have a related lens, add it!

Also, take a look at how I made each module title go BLUE!

Magic 🙂



Day 39: 0 lenses… sorry! March 29, 2007

Oh no.

No lenses today.

Tomorrow I shall do some, for sure!

I’m LOVING these eBay ones.

Check out the group to see them all featured:

Why not rate a couple, too? 🙂



Day 38: 6 lenses! March 28, 2007

6 more eBay lenses today.

They’re going well.

And they look amazing too.

Check them out.

Another module to look out for on a couple of these is the eBayYen one. Really cool piece of software. Works wonders.

Anyway. The links of today’s 6 lenses are:

You can zoom straight to the eBayYen module by clicking here.

What do you think of the lenses?



Day 37: 4 lenses! March 27, 2007

4 more ebay lenses. They’re really fun to make. More fun than the home theater lenses. But the home theater ones are currently the most profitable so far!

Anyway, here are the 4 new lenses for today:

Check them out.

The Niche Store module on a couple of them is a really powerful one. Check that out too.



Day 36: 8 lenses! March 26, 2007

8 lenses, all about ebay.

eBay selling and marketing, actually.

Remember I made the eBay group?

These lenses are now all featured, all joined, everything. And it all looks really really cool.

They will be profitable too!

The links are:

There is a hilarious ebay song featured on a couple of them. You Must See It!!!!



Profits So Far. End of month 1.

Take a look at the pending money on my Squidoo dashboard (from actual sales):


$5.00 refer a friend
$6.35 clickbank sale
$1.95 adsense

So from 114 lenses in the first month of this challenge, (NOT including the unknown amount earned from the Squidoo co-op from adsense clicks and squidoffers money), earnings total $19.74. In the first month 🙂

And remember: some of those 114 lenses have only existed for a week. Some only for a few days. Some for two weeks, some for three weeks. But in the first month of making lenses my plan is already above target.

Amazing! So without including the lucrative SquidOffer money and adsense Squidoo co-op money, earnings per lens average roughly $0.20. In month 1.

And more profitable clickbank products are going to be featured on the upcoming ebay lenses, and they are going to be recommended more (unlike the clickbank products just listed on my first load of viral and affiliate marketing lenses) and so should make more sales.

I’m very excited because my original thinking was that if the average lens earned $0.10 per month then the plan for $6000 per month is do-able. Now, it’s extremely do-able!

Sometimes in your life you witness something special. And there are only a couple of other people who were there to witness it with you.

Finding this blog in the first month is one of those moments. Visit again tomorrow!



Day 35: 1 lens! (New Topic! Yay!) March 25, 2007

I’ve stopped doing Home Theater lenses right now.

I’m now on EBAY!

The link is:

Check it out! And please rate it!

The ‘Build a Niche Store’ module is particularly interesting too. Go read it.

That’s it for now. More tomorrow. Lots more! 🙂

Oh – and the ebay group is growing well. The One Million Lenses group too.It has about 350 lenses in it now. VERY good progress!



Day 34: 2 lenses! (and $5 refer-a-friend bonus!) March 24, 2007

OK, so this is going well.

I don’t know if someone signed up because of me, or if I signed up through the link of someone else (both release a bonus), but I do know that either way… I just earned $5 🙂

I really like Squidoo!

Now, the two lenses I made today are:



Day 33: MORE SALES!! March 23, 2007


ONE lens is now showing $4.42 pending! And yesterday it was showing $0.00 pending! That means someone who clicked through to ebay from my lens bought something rather expensive 🙂

Also, £1.50 is showing in google earnings from the hidden search iframes on all my lenses. Not bad going so far for 113 lenses.

And we’re not even counting  the Squidoo co-op share and SquidOffer money.

How exciting 🙂

The lens that made the $4.42 over night is:



Day 32: Getting ready for the money to ROLL IN! March 22, 2007

So I didn’t make any new lenses or groups today.

Lazy? No way. Here’s why:

I went through every single one of my lenses so far (a LOT! 113 at this moment!) and replaced the ‘’ iframe.

Before, the search box was empty. Leaving it up to my lens visitors to think about what to type into it, then press search. Well I went through replacing each iframe because I worked out how to get it to automatically insert a chosen word or phraseinto the search box. So all my visitors have to do now is press the search button!

So how do I know what my visitors might be interested in? I went by the content of the lens! If they’re there reading my lens, chances are they are pretty interested in the subject!

Check out the Hidden Search boxes on these 3 unrelated lenses:

Now if you look at each of those lenses you will see how the Hidden Search box already has something RELEVANT written in it.

And if they click search, it opens in a new window. So my lens is still there for them to read.

I am such a genius.

Check it out. Click the links of the lenses above and see my genius in action.

Earnings per lens should SHOOT UP!



Day 31: 1 group! (And SALES!) March 21, 2007

Made 1 group today.

And sales!!

The home theater lenses made these sales:


Very good news. I’m making ebay module sales! It took 3 weeks. And not many visitors, really. I only need small sales on lots of lenses to reach my $6000 a month target.

I’m expecting lots more sales tomorrow.

Because the lenses that made sales were all Home Theater lenses, The group I made today was:

Let’s see if we can duplicate 🙂



Day 30: 3 groups! March 20, 2007

3 groups made today.

I’m planning on making lenses for each of these topics, so getting a group established FIRST might be a good idea to test.

The links are:

Some people have added lenses to the vitamin group already, which is good because they managed to find it somehow.




Day 29: 1 lens! March 19, 2007

One lens today.

But it’s a really cool one. I’m really pleased with it!

The link is:

Why not rate it?



Day 28: 1 lens! March 18, 2007

One lens today.

Also making plans for quite a few groups. Now I know that lensmasters are also paid for the groups they run (paid a share of the co-op adsense money), I’m going to run more groups 🙂


1 lens is not enough. I suspect I will only be able to do 1 tomorrow (busy busy busy), but I’m getting ready for a lensmaking EXPLOSION!

And that will be fun 😉





Remember I posted about SquidOffers just over a week ago?

And how they would earn me a LOT more money for my lenses?

Well they launched on Friday.

Every 100,000 lenses now have the potential to earn $1.2MILLION dollars per year just from SquidOffers.

And that is money on top of all other earnings.

How many am I planning on making again?



Day 27: 0 lenses! (on account of being lazy) March 17, 2007

I was being lazy today. I made no lenses.

How rubbish is that?

Groups are growing well though.

And reading the Squidu forum posts yesterday I found out that someone got paid some money they earned in January, even though they joined in February. When they joined someone transferred a group to them. As the group already existed, that can be the only thing that earned her money. I DIDN’T KNOW GROUPS EARNED YOU MONEY!

This is good news. Good news indeed.



Day 26: 3 lenses! March 16, 2007

Three more new york lenses coming your way!

The New York Group is looking cool too.

Lenses made today:

Some of the New York lenses created not so long ago have had about a dozen visitors so far – which is really good! And the Cheap Home Theater Systems lens is showing 25 visitors in the last 7 days.

It’s going well. The One Million Lenses Group is growing larger every day also.

Things are going to plan.



Day 25: 3 lenses! March 15, 2007

3 lenses done today. Two about New York, 1 more about home theaters.

I’m happy with today’s total, but I really can do loads better. I did get a load of errors when I was creating the lenses which really did slow the whole thing down. But I’m happy with 3 lenses.

The links are:

So that’s what I did today. Check them out!



Day 24: 2 lenses, 1 group! March 14, 2007

I had a bit of a change of direction today.

I tested out the Squidoo Travel Module on 2 lenses about New York City.

The two lenses are:

The Ultimate Hotel Guide To New York City

Tips To Find the Ideal Hotel in New York

Also, I made a New York group too. So I could feature the lenses. The link is:

New York, New York!
